The basic structure
HTML ( Hyper Text Markup Language) is the publishing language used by the World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web is a network of information resources: text, images, video clips, programs, and so on.
Now we learn how to write a very simple web page: here it is the simplest example.
This code shows a page that has the title Hello ! and shows the message Hello,
i am a little web page! .
Hello, i am a little web page!
Notes :
- Each element as <HTML> </HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD>, and so
on, is called TAG.
- A tag as <HTML> or <BODY> is a start tag, a tag as
</HEAD> or </TITLE> is an end tag.
- The name of an HTML file must have the extension .HTM or .HTML.
- The HTML file name can be different from the title of the HTML page.
Try this :
- Open Notepad
- copy and paste the code above
- replace the title "Hello!" with anything you like
- replace the text message "Hello, i am a little web page!" with another you
- save the file, choosing freely the name; remember that the file extension must be
.htm or .html
- Open the saved file with your browser.
Next page :
the basic text formatting rules.