The Psychology of Cyberspace


“While many people are convinced that how they read an email is the only way it can be read, the truth is, how we read a text, or view a work of art, often says more about ourselves than it does about the message or the messenger.”.

“All of our communications, online and in real-time, are filled with projections.
We perceive the world through our expectations, needs, desires, fantasies, and feelings, and we project those onto other people.

For example, if we expect people to be critical of us, we perceive other people’s communication as being critical – it sounds critical to us even though it may not be.”.

(Kali Munro. Conflict in Cyberspace: How to Resolve Conflict Online.
From The Psychology of Cyberspace, by John Suler.)

“We All Need Help Sometimes”.

Categories : psychology