Play Time

Play Time Play Time is French director Jacques Tati‘s fourth major film.
Tati wanted the film to be in color but look like it was filmed in black and white.”.

In Tati’s world, machines are confounding; yet, they are ever-present.
Tati has seen how this technology has opened up the world by granting more possibilities to all, and to reflect that, he has constructed office buildings with walls made entirely of glass and corridors that appear to go on forever.

He knows it’s a double-edged sword, however: while the glass opens things up, it also pushes us farther apart. Of course, living in Tati’s world isn’t all bad.
Regardless of how much our creations fail us, humans don’t buckle under, we endure.”.
(Jamie S. Rich)

Above: Jacques Tati (sitting on the left) as Monsieur Hulot in the offices sequence.

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Categories : movies