“She once got a passenger to LaGuardia Airport from Midtown Manhattan in fourteen minutes, a record that still stands.”.
(Eugene Salomon, from Cabs Are For Kissing)
“There are 13,237 licensed yellow taxicabs in New York City.
Ford’s Crown Victoria, the iconic model making up more than half the fleet, is being phased out.”.
(USA Today)
Above: Lady getting a cab in New York City, detail, from Chris 1971’s photostream on Flickr.
“The number was not conceived out of some desire to cater to the so-bad-it’s-good tastes of the Western YouTube generation, but in fact was meant to please Soviet audiences, who were capable of placing this routine, this man, and this song into a familiar context.”.
(Justin E.H. Smith) |
Trololololololololololo. This should be the new Rick Roll.
Above: Eduard Khil* singing I’m so glad because I’m finally back home (1976).
*Referred as: Edward, Eduard, Hill, Hil, Khil, Gil
Requires Flash Player
“For a long time, I always had at least two jobs, sometimes three.
Life was good.
In July of 2008, my corporation had mass layoffs, and I was among them.
I have never been homeless before, but I plan to face this with humor and dignity.”.
“As long as you’re alive and healthy and physically/mentally capable of coming up with a plan and executing it, you will be OK.
There is always another avenue, another option, another choice, another route, another door to pursue if one is closed off to you.”.
“Take care of yourself. Anything material that you have/had/lost? It can be replaced, or at least reasonably substituted. You cannot be.”.
(Brianna Karp)
The Girl’s Guide to Homelessness. A true story. By Brianna Karp.
“Keep Calm and Carry On was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of World War II, but never used.
In 2000, a copy of the poster was rediscovered in Barter Books.
Since the image is now in the public domain, the store’s owners were able to reprint copies at customers’ requests, as did others.”.
(from Wikipedia)
See also t-shirts, bags, mugs and more on keepcalmandcarryon.com.
Above: Nicola Chapman in Smokey Blue Eyes Tutorial.
Requires Flash Player and broadband.
And now, a cup of Diet Coke + Mentos: AudioBody. Listen : You Gotta Tap, Not Easy, Going to Michigan, Bass Aquatic, Fireflys.
Techno / Rock / Electronica.
“And a ship on the horizon shows his prow for the last time.” (Tutti I Mari del Mondo)
Telemarket.tk: instrumental songs mixed with samples of Telemarket anchors. (Telemarket is an international television broadcaster, based in Italy, entirely dedicated to the promotion of art works for sale.) My playlist: Tutti I Mari del Mondo (All The Seas of the World) Voglio vedere (I want to see) Manca poco (The time is closer) Se sa sa (If he knows, he knows) Bombe (Bombs) Michela (Michelle) Requires Flash Player
“We’re out to prove that a prank doesn’t have to involve humiliation or embarrassment; it can simply be about making someone laugh, smile, or stop to notice the world around them.”. (Charlie Todd) |
“Created in August of 2001 by Charlie Todd, Improv Everywhere has executed over 60 missions involving hundreds of undercover agents. The group is based in New York City.”.
See, for example: Even Better Than The Real Thing and Cell Phone Symphony. Thumbs up.
Above: Nate Shelky and Will Hines in Suicide Jumper (2005).
“Rocketboom is a three minute daily videoblog based in New York City. We cover and create a wide range of information and commentary from top news stories to quirky internet culture. Instead of costing millions of dollars to produce, Rocketboom is created with a consumer-level video camera, a laptop, two lights and a map with no additional overhead or costs.”.
Produced by Andrew Baron, hosted by Molly Windman.
Right: Molly Windman.
Requires Quick Time Player, or Flash Player, or Media Player